9 Febbraio 2010 Ora ci vedo chiaro… Camilla - Zelda was a writer Senza categoria Twitter0Facebook0LinkedIn0Pinterest0 Domani giornata importante, fatemi un bel IN BOCCA AL LUPO, pls! Bacibellissimi!! Technorati Tag: occhiali You'd also love...Lettere che immaginoA come Ape. Il regalo di una nuova amicaPranzo ischitanoFantasie in centrifuga
Zelda was a writer 9 Febbraio 2010 alle 6:35 pm :DDDDi'm so happy, dear!new glasses on my nose!! Replica ↓
Elise 10 Febbraio 2010 alle 4:08 am looove those glasses!! i'm getting my prescription put in my {new} vintage ones soon… i'll have to post photos, too! Replica ↓
Zelda was a writer 10 Febbraio 2010 alle 2:41 pm elise!! :(a friend of mine told me that my glasses aren't bad but I have to lose weight at least five pounds to be perfect: (sob!! Replica ↓
way cute pics!
i'm so happy, dear!
new glasses on my nose!!
looove those glasses!! i'm getting my prescription put in my {new} vintage ones soon… i'll have to post photos, too!
elise!! :(
a friend of mine told me that my glasses aren't bad but I have to lose weight at least five pounds to be perfect: (